Galatians (4:12-20): Paul’s Personal Appeal

Galatians (4:12-20): Paul’s Personal Appeal

Paul’s Personal Appeal Galatians 4:12‐20   I. Paul reminds them of the past (v.12‐14) A. Paul wants Christians to live by grace not law (v.12) a. Legalism‐ Man’s attempt to obtain right standing before God and men by using religious or man‐made rules that give...
Galatians (4:8-11): Live Grace Not Legalism

Galatians (4:8-11): Live Grace Not Legalism

Live Grace Not Legalism Galatians 4:8‐11   I. Their past slavery to superstition (v.8) A. Before conversion, everyone is ignorant of God and a slave to religious superstition (idolatry). a. Explanation of Idolatry‐ 1. Man’s attempt to ascribe God’s attributes to...
Galatians (4:1-7): Not a Slave But A Son

Galatians (4:1-7): Not a Slave But A Son

Not a Slave But A Son Galatians 4:1‐7   I. What we were in the past (v.1‐3) A. Before adoption, one was no different than a slave.  (v.1‐2) – “For all practical purposes, the child did not differ at all from a slave under whom he was being trained. Just as...

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