What’s Most Important in Life Galatians 6:11‐18 The most important thing in Paul’s life, and that he sought to share, was the saving Gospel of Christ. Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. I. It is pressing (v.11) A. Paul wrote to the churches...
Helping Others Live the Spirit Filled Life Galatians 5:26‐6:10 I. Confront the erring Christian (v. 5:26‐ 6:1) A. Confronting a sinning Christian should be done with a view to spiritual restoration. a. Conditions for Confrontation: 1. One must be spiritual....
Living the Spirit Filled Life Galatians 5:13‐25 I. It involves charity (v.13‐15) A. Serve in love not the flesh. (v.13) – “Christ does not give freedom to believers so they can do what they want but so they can, for the first time, do what God wants,...
The Danger of False Teachers Galatians 5:7‐12 I. Distort the Truth (v.7‐8) A. The influence originated with the Judaizers. – “Three important applications can be garnered from this verse: (1) The Christian life is a marathon, not a hundred‐yard...
The Futility of Trusting in Works Galatians 5:2‐6 I. You are separated from the truth (v.2) A. There is no spiritual benefit in circumcision (works). – “Circumcision and everything like it belong to the rule of the paidagogos, not to the dominion of...
The Contrast of Two Destinies Galatians 4:21‐5:1 Paul’s argument in this passage is formed by the use of an analogy. Paul uses contrasts between children of the slave woman (Hagar‐ faith plus law keeping) with the children of the free woman (Sarah‐ faith alone...