The Honeymoon of the King

Song of Solomon 4:1-16


I. The Expectation of Love ( 4:1-6)

A. Solomon praises the physical beauty of his wife (v.1-5)

a. Eyes- Her eyes, even behind a veil, revealed her calm and innocence. (v.1a)

b. Hair- Her hair was long, black and flowing. (v.1b)

c. Teeth- Her teeth were white and full. (v.2)

d. Lips- Her lips are red and formed. (v.3a)

e. Temples- Her facial structure was reddish and inviting (v.3b)

– “By comparing her neck to the tower Solomon was emphasizing not so much her neck’s symmetry and beauty as he was making a statement about her person. She had a queenly bearing and appearance as awesome and majestic as King David’s tower.”

g. Breasts- The sight of her breasts incited Solomon’s desire for physical lovemaking.

B. Solomon pronounces his intentions to his wife (v.6)

– “Most commentators agree that in verse six Solomon is preparing for the act of intercourse. Aroused by his bride’s beauty and the sensual aroma of her perfumes, he stated that he wanted to make love with his bride all night long. He identified the fragrances of myrrh and frankincense, which were expensive, imported perfumes. “Mountain of myrrh” and “hill of incense” may be references to his wife’s breasts or possibly to a more private area. As Solomon proceeded to initiate personal relations with her, he may also have been referring to her body in its entirety.”

II. The Enticement of Love (4:7-9)

A. Solomon wants his wife’s complete trust (v.7-8)

– “On their wedding night, Solomon desires to be with a wife who is “there” in every sense of the word, including especially in the emotional realm. The ability for the newly married couple to experience true intimacy is greatly hindered if her emotional focus is still back home in Lebanon.”

B. Solomon respects his wife as a sister and bride (v.9)

– “As if he could not express his near and dear relationship to her by any one term, he employs the two. ‘My sister’—that is, one by birth, partaker of the same nature. ‘My spouse’—that is, one in love, joined by sacred ties of affection that never can be snapped. ‘My sister’ by birth, ‘My spouse’ by choice. ‘My sister’ in communion, ‘My spouse’ in absolute union with myself.”

III. The Engagement of Love (4:10-16)

A. Solomon speaks of physical intimacy with his bride. [Prov. 5:1-6] (v.10-11)

B. Solomon extols his bride’s purity by comparing her to a garden (v.12-15)

IV. The Endorsement of Love (5:1)

A. Solomon declares that his love is complete. (5:1a)

– “The gathering of myrrh and spices refers to the fragrant and enriching result of their union. The eating of honey and honeycomb suggests the sweetness of their relationship. The drinking of wine and milk focuses on the satisfaction derived from the relationship and the complete fulfillment of their sexual thirsts and appetites.”

B. God then places His stamp of approval on the young lover’s union. (5:1b)

– “Given the intimate and private nature of sexual union, it seems difficult to understand anyone but God speaking these words. This is the divine affirmation of sexual love between husband and wife as holy and beautiful.”

Points to Ponder:

  1. Sex is wonderful but its proper place is within the context of marriage. Avoid sexual immorality.
  2. Sex in marriage should not be withheld from one’s partner, except for a certain time.
  3. Take time to date and know your spouse. Building a marriage of contentment takes work.


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