Jesus arrived in Bethany six days before the Passover (Jn. 12:1), the Saturday before the Passion Week. That evening, Jesus was anointed at Simon the Leper’s house (Matt. 26:6-13; Mk. 14:3-9, Jn. 12:1-8). On the next day, Sunday, there was a great crowd that came to Bethany to see Jesus (Jn. 12:9-11).



Monday was the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem (Matt. 21:1-9; Mk. 11:1-10; Lk. 19:28-40; Jn. 12:12-19) His visit to the temple and then a return to Bethany. Monday was the 10th of Nisan, the day the Passover Lamb was to be selected and presented (Exodus 12:3).



On Tuesday Jesus returns to Jerusalem from Bethany and curses the fig tree (Matt. 21:18-19; Mk. 11:12-14) and then enters the Temple and cleanses it (Matt. 21:12-13, Mk. 11:15-17; Lk. 19:45-46). The religious leaders then begin plotting how they may destroy him. That evening, Jesus possibly returns to Bethany (Mk. 11:19-19; Lk. 19:47-48).



On Wednesday the disciples saw the withered fig tree (Matt. 21:20-22; Mk. 11:20-26). At the Temple, Jesus engaged with the religious leaders all morning (Matt. 21:23-23:39; Mk. 11:27-12:44; Lk. 20:1-21:4). That afternoon Jesus went to the Mt. of Olives and delivers the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24:1-25:46; Mk. 13:1-37; Lk. 21:5-36). Two additional things occurred that day: First, Jesus predicted that in two days he would be crucified at the time of Passover (Matt. 26:1-5; Mk. 14:1-2; Lk. 22:1-2) and that Judas planned to betray Him to the religious leaders (Matt. 26:14-16; Mk. 14:10-11; Lk. 22:3-6).



On Thursday, Jesus had the disciples prepare the Passover Lamb (Matt. 26:17-19; Mk. 14:12-16; Lk. 22:7-13) and they conducted their Passover meal in the Upper room (Matt. 26:20-30; Mk. 14:17-26; Lk. 22:14-30; Jn. 13:1-14:31). Leaving the Upper room, Jesus had a discourse with the disciples and offered intercessory prayer on their behalf (Matt. 26:30-35; Mk. 14:26-31; Lk. 22:31-39; Jn. 15:1-18:1). They arrived in the Garden of Gethsemane and it was here where Jesus suffered in agony (Matt. 26:36-46; Mk. 14:32-42; Lk. 22:39-46; Jn. 18:1). Later that night Jesus was betrayed and arrested. During the rest of the night, Jesus was tried first by Annas and later by Caiaphas with the religious leaders (Matt. 26:57-75; Mk. 14:53-72; Lk. 22:54-65; Jn. 18:13-27).



Early Friday morning, Jesus was tried by the Sanhedrin, Pilate, Herod Anitpas, and the Pilate again (Matt. 27:1-30; Mk. 15:1-19; Lk. 22:66-23:25; Jn. 18:28-19:16). Jesus was then led to the cross and crucified at 9:00 am. He died at 3:00 pm and was buried that day (Matt. 27:31-60; Mk. 15:20-46; Lk. 23:26-54; Jn. 19:16-42). Christ the Paschal Lamb (1 Cor. 5:7) died at the time when the Israelites were sacrificing Passover lambs.



On Saturday, Jesus laid in the tomb during the Sabbath, and the religious leaders secured Roman guards to keep watch over the grave (Matt. 26:61-66; Mk. 15:47; Lk. 23:55-56).



On Sunday Jesus rose from the dead (Matt. 28:1-15; Mk. 16:1-8, 9-13: Lk. 24:1-35). [1]



[1] The time line presented is taken from Dallas Theological Seminary, NT professor Harold Hoehner’s work, Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977.


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