Expository, Song of Solomon
Love Separated and Reunited Song of Solomon 3:1-11 I. Love is separated by time and distance (3:1-5) A. Shulamite’s separation causes anxiety, expressed in a dream. (1-5) a. She wants something she does not posses (Solomon’s presence). b. She seeks Solomon in...
Expository, Song of Solomon
Fireproofing Your Marriage Song of Solomon 2:8-17 To fireproof your relationships you must do the following: I. Pursue Similar Interests (v.8-9) A. Both have a desire to be together (v.8) B. Both have a desire to interact with each other (v.9) a. Solomon...
Expository, Song of Solomon
Marital Love God’s Way Song of Solomon 1:9-2:7 Background Consider if you will, before we begin, the attitude of marriage here in our own country. Overall, Americans are waiting much longer to marry than what they used to. Most of the time, back in the 40’s and...
Expository, Song of Solomon
Finding Mr. Right Song of Solomon 1:1-8 Background We have to remember first and foremost that the Song of Solomon is a song. It is “The Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s” (Song of Solomon 1:1). The thing that we need to keep in mind as we go through this study is...