Being Christ’s Disciple: Even When We Fail
Though we may be believers, many of us still find ourselves stumbling in God’s assignment for our lives. We can however take great comfort in knowing that He still loves us, forgives us, and promises to restore us if we commit to a life of obedience to Him.
I. Peter’s public rejection. (Mark 14:66-72)
B. A maid. (69-70)
C. Peasant bystanders. (70-72)
II. Peter’s public repentance. (Mark 16:6-7)
B. He reaches out. (7)
III. Peter’s public restoration. (John 21:15-19)
B. A reply of love. (18-19)
IV. Peter’s public revelation. (Acts 2:22-24,37-42)
B. Peter’s message of repentance. (37-39)
C. Peter’s message of exhortation. (40-42)
What Have We Learned?
Being a child of God means that we do not have to remain a captive to our past failures. God has promised to use in His ministry program if we yield to His Spirit. And even though we sometimes fail God, we can take great comfort in knowing that our failures still accomplish the good that He wants done. Therefore, never give up on God because He is faithful to never give up on you.
Grace by Truth is known for delivering the precise and deep study of biblical truth in service to each other and the church.
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